Monday, June 16, 2008

Allelujah Haptism (Gundam Meister) - pilot of Gundam Kyros

Ok, dah cukup 4 orang Gundam Meister untuk siri terbaru citer robot Gundam yang kira tersohor la jugak selepas siri Seed & Seed Destiny. Bukannya suka sangat tengok citer Gundam nih tapi saja nak kembangkan persepsi tentang dunia Mecha (Robot dalam bahasa orang kampung kat umah saya). Siri kedua nak kuar tak lama lagi untuk citer Gundam nih...rajin-rajin la tunggu.

Tak ada apa sangat yang nak dilaporkan buat hari ni, masih lagi tercampak kat daerah yang lama tak jejak kaki...Tawau. Ada la dekat setengah tahun tak sampai sini, sampai jer tak penah pun nak tidor semalamam. Bukan tak nak tapi kerja punya pasal, sampai tengah hari, lewat petang dah kena balik dah. Nak stay lelama kang boss bising lak, kita datang keja bukannya datang nak makan angin.

Tapi apa yang bestnya hari ni, dalam teksi nak ke KLIA dari umah pagi tadi...dapat la pulak drebar yang peramah, jadi nak tak nak kena la layan, sampai orang umah punya mesej tak berbalas. Bukannya tak nak balas kang tengah balas...ada jer citer yang kuar...dari isu rumah, jem (trafik jem, bukan jem roti ye tuan tuan dan puan puan), harga barang naik, politik ( saya memang tak fasih pasal politik, cuma iyer kan saja heheheh). Tapi seronok la jugak dapat sembang-sembang hilang boring, kalu tak dok senyap macam zombie jer (senyap ker zombie?)

Sampai ke Tawau, on the way nak ke kapal pun sama, masa tengah dalam perjalanan naik bot, fasih benar pakcik sorang ni bercerita, pasal kapal, pasal Tawau, pasal kilang-kilang, pasal pokok koko, pasal bekas gunung berapi yang dah lama meninggal (haaaaaa...musti banyak orang tak tau ada bekas gunung berapi kat Tawau kan kan kan?) ..apa lagi ek...ha, ada canopy walk kat bukit gemuk (kenapa gemuk...jangan tanya saya. Saya bukan pakar sejarah kat pekan nih, cuma datang buek koghe jer).

Pasni kena jadi tetamu untuk makan malam...sekurang-kurangnya makan free hehehehe (bukan bermakna saya pelokek tapi pasal orang dah nak belanja, kita makan ler. Kang kata kita plak yang sombong, isk...tak yah nak sombong pasal makan-makan nih...kecuali dia ajak makan sup gearbox "kerbau pendek").

Apa lagi ek.....buat yang disayangi, jaga diri bebaik, jangan sedih-sedih sangat. Hamba buaknnya merantau jauh, cuma kat Malaya saja. Mintak mahap pasal jadi drama swasta yang macam selalu dirakam kat kawasan perumahan kamu tuh. Tak sengaja pak!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lockon Stratos (Gundam Meister) – pilot of Gundam Dynames

Perjalanan sunyi yang kau tempuh sendiri, kuatkan lah hati, cinta

Letto – Sebelum Cahaya

Kerja atas kapal dah nak siap, tinggal 2 hari lagi sebelum balik Malaya. Sekarang kapal tengah berlabuh (pelik sungguh bunyinya, macam ada iras-iras novel panas masa kat sekolah menengah dulu) kat tengah laut. Besok tengahari, kalau cuacanya bagus, ada harapan boleh turun darat awal.

Lama gila tak menulis dalam bahasa ibunda, rasa pelik semacam. Tapi tak apa, ini semua dugaan dalam bermain dengan bahasa. Banyak masa lapang sejak dua tiga hari ni baru tadi dapat habiskan ”New Malaysian Essays 1”. Tabik spring kat semua-semua. Banyak benda baru belajar, banyak benda kelakar dan banyak benda yang buat anda jadi ”hmmmmmmm”. Kalau rajin ke kedai buku, sila carik buku tu, tak rugi 30 hengget yang dilaburkan.

Apa lagi berita baru masa kat kapal....minyak naik rega. Hampeh betu, tak isi penuh-penuh minyak keta masa nak naik kapal hari tu kalau tak dah selamat la sikit sen. Bukan cek bawak keta naik kapal no(bukan no = tidak. Ni loghat orang utara, kira macam nak sedapkan cakap la senang kira). Tapi tak apa, sekarang ni kena la jimat gila-gila punya, nak kuar pun kena pikir 4-5-6 kali. Dulu tak payah, nak kuar terus zupp...ilang.

Kalau kompeni baik hati, mintak-mintak la naik elaun batu (milage dalam bahasa Inggeris, jadi kalau alih bahasa jadi batu kan kan kan?) Tak pun, nak outstation naik aja belon macam kat Sarawak dulu. Boleh eksyen kat orang. Orang tanya gi keja naik apa, boleh la jawap dengan hidung kembang yang tak nak kempis ”Kapal terbang”. La ni pun masih lagi kembang, tapi skit-skit je. Malas nak bongkak dan riak...Tuhan marah. Nanti kena murka tak pasal-pasal.

Berita baik seterusnya, berat badan pun rasa-rasa dah turun skit, almaklum la dok naik turun tangki. Penat nak mampuih! Stamina pun dah naik skit, jadi kurang la tahap kepancitan. Ingat lepas balik nih boleh la gi panjat dinding kat One Utama. Test market sat, nak tengok ok ka tak ok. Kalau agak-agak nak pitam masa dok panjat....Banzaiiiiiii!

Cukup kut buat hari dan masa ni. Nanti dah balik Malaya, cek buat cerita lagi no. Slamattt!

Tiera Ardie (Gundam Miester) – pilot of Gundam Virtue / Nadleeh

How do you make up for lost time? Or how do you get past years of your life and move on? Or how do you step out from the shadow that has been there for most part of your adulthood? All questions may not look the same but I tell you, it is intertwine and in somewhat awkward manner my life is currently facing that kind of predicament.

Tell you in a bit after I done my tank diving. Man my work sucks for the time being but the good news is I get to kick myself back in shape…albeit in a rude and unwanted way….my way.

Just finish for today’s job. I’m frickin’ tired and I need to rest. Will write, soon. Ok soon is over, I’m hungry. Skipped my dinner for a needful sleep which is not too shabby. Been going thru some not so new photos in my laptop when I was in Dubai, with my hubby. Its weird, it’s weird because I actually don’t know how I am supposed to feel after him and I are no longer together. Can I actually have a life after this? Its not that I never had a life, previously it was me and him….so seldom am I ever alone going out doing normal stuff that couples do.

I’m not regretting about my decision, I just find it a tad too out of the norm. Would I thrown away my past? My memories of him for the sake of a new relationship or should I just face the truth about my life now and take my past and carry it along with me. Without my past, how sure can I actually say that I made it all the way this time on my own?

When a question comes to you, do you throw away / trade the things you have now for something better in life? How would you answer it? I never throw away what I have in my life, I just try to make the best out of it and if somehow, somewhere along the way I forgot what I was doing it for, I keep reminding myself that this is because I want to be a better person. And if by trading what I have now, well it’s not a trade, more like a self realization that I can do better in my life by changing / altering it a bit why must I stop myself from doing it? In the end of the day, if I managed to improve my life…even if for just a bit, then so be it.

I did not throw away my life for nothing, I gained experience. Experience which taught me that life is not about being the same person who you are with…its about growing up with them, learn from them, loving them more each day. But that is not always the case when you are the one who actually have to do all of the learning and growing up and compromise.

Yes, I am sad about what happened in my life, period. But I knew that if I just give in to self pity…it would be even crueler to me, to him and our relationship. I just hope that the memories live on and I don’t have to run away from it now, God knows I ran for far too long. This is my life; this is the end of a chapter for me.

New ones begin. Hope I can see you there when I’m done. Sayonara.

Setsuna F.Seiea (Gundam Meister) – pilot of Gundam GN 001 Exia

I’m stuck onboard a ship that I come for survey all because of unpredictable weather. Me, myself an unpredictable, a variable if you will. So, sorry if me missing from the blogging scene is making your life incomplete hehehehe, too much, yes?

But really, life has been a big change for me and its not even half of 2008, yet I manage to do things that would take me years to accomplished, let alone achieve. Should I spill out the beans in full HD details? I don’t think so. Not right now and not in public.

One thing you should know is that I’ m not a good person, in every single sense. I try to be good but eventually I break down and fall apart faster than you can hold your breath. It is even harder when you live a lie and lies are all that put me where I am right now. I lie to my mom (it’s a long story and to cut it short she wants me to get married to a girl and be normal…..which I’m not at the moment) so I told her that my job kinda suck and I’m always on the go (which is true), I lie to my colleague when they ask me about my girlfriend and I told them to go fly a kite (kidding). I told them she is good and into family business (matter of fact it was my hubby that I was referring to and he is not a she). What else? Let’s see….. I got a bf….and another bf…which makes it three? Not a rocket science math there, so go figure.

But well…all of it is coming to an end. Somehow along the way between my last entry and my last editing of this piece of story of my so called life, I’ve done some serious deep thinking and mind cracking decisions which breaks two hearts and I have partially buried mine along with it. So now I’m incomplete but I guess having what I really want…a person that is, to be by my side does make up for my insufficient being.

I know it’s cruel to those I left behind but it will be even worst if I just let them live in a lie, my lie. I just finish watching Run Fat boy Run…a line caught my eye. “I would rather ruin your day than let you live in a miserable life”. Not getting it thru? Just go get your hands on the damn DVD will ya!

What else do I need to confess today…..hmmmm I did finish off 3 DVD’s yesterday which says a lot about my free time onboard but what the hell, this is my time to unwind. My days are frickin’ exhaustible and I need some entertainment damn it! Drama much?

So till then, do have a pleasant life, chow babeh!