Monday, September 15, 2008

Get down of the low down

Howdy do wickedness and sinners? Long time no hear nor see, eh? This is typical Malaysia English (Menglish) greetings used widely across the country, so bear with it.

It has been a quiet month for me. With all the fasting and all, so I do need to abstain myself from rambling much about nonsense and sexs? Do I ever indulge my readers with sexual encounters? NO, I don't think so, so yeah...fat chance that will ever happen, period.

Sokay. What have I been doing for the past September (1st and 2nd week). Nothing much exactly. Loitering in the office, downloading anime over the net, catch up with friends over YM and watch 2 movies in a night. 1st one was Vin Diesel's Babylon AD, there were like less tha 20 people including meself and org rumah but the 2nd movie we say, Adam Sandler's Do not Mess With The Zohan is even better....only me and hubby. I mean, how rich can I be at that time? LOL. I must have missed the shockwave of the Zohan waaaaaaaaay to far. The fact that I fell asleep watching both movies back to back sure does numb the feel of the story line.

I was ok on the 1st movie, about a good 30 minutes of it, then my world turn black and I remember waking up about 5 minutes before the credit rolls. Ehehehehe... bad huh? But the 2nd movie was not that bad, just an occasional black outs with less tha 10 seconds time lapse. It was a funny movie so yeah, the jokes helps to keep my spirit alive.

Selain daripad tu, tak dak agenda yang berapa menarik nak di kongsi buat kenkawan semua.
So, posa elok2, jangan ponteng tanpa alasan yang bagus dan boleh pakai.

Jumpa laie sebelum raya, insyallah.

P/s: my fren from Brunei is coming in next week, looking forward to chit chat and stuff (with the limit la, nak kena sekeh dgn my hubby, gilo apo).

Ok chow cin cau!

1 comment:

Mohd Syafei Ahmad said...


I hate Babylon AD, dah lupa pun citer dia cemana.. ooo yang dia bawak budak dari convent kat russia to new york tu eh...