Monday, November 24, 2008

Saigon a.k.a Ho Chi Minh City

Saigon aka Ho Chi Minh City is an all new place for me. I've heard so much about it and I was trying to make a mental picture of how it would look like ( well...some people would tell me to just browse the pictures in the internet but me being the hard head-ed and a little reluctancy I decline that idea) instead and try to figure it out by myself.

One thing that I heard most and the common one is that traffic there is waaaay crazier than KL. I was reading an article about this Mat Saleh (an English/caucasion people) saying that he has difficulty comprehanding the law on which to abide to when you are in Saigon and how to cross the road without actually ending up as a road kill or a statistic on the wall. Fascinating. And then when I was in Singapore the lecturer was telling us about how we set the safety standard in our head as per the surrounding so I guess when you are in Saigon, the limit tends to be on the low side since it will take a great skills and lithe to catch an opening and wiggle yourself thru the flow of motorcycles. Its a rush I tell ya! The thrill of wanting to get thru and avoiding yourself from getting hit by the bike is as real as you can get. Check out the photo below of what I meant.

By the way..there are no pictures of me whatsoever since there are nobody to take them for me...damnit. The troublesome of travelling alone without your partner bites you on the ass when it comes to this situation. Sheeshhh....
Be showing more pics of Saigon in the next feature....waitttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe... i guess u need to learn the art of Tai Chi.. at least when you are hit by the bike, you can pass the hitting energy to somewhere else... boink~ heheheeh