Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We fall, We get up but do we learn to take it easy?

Human is the only species on earth who know the danger is there but is willingly enough to face and endure it. The rest of the species know that it's good to avoid it, period.

So that is what makes it fun, I assume. We know that somehow if along the way, given the most senior people, there will be a time that we kinda ignore the signs and just plunge head long.

Now if we were smart enough,we wouldn't be dealing with the bloody aftermath and all the anguish we rake along the way. We simply divert and takes a different kind of approach. But since I'm here writting about this, so yeah...I myself does fall victim to my own really but I take it as a rerun on lesson learnt. Can't have enough of the good things.

I actually need to sleep now...can't think of any coherent thoughts worth sharing right now unless you would like to reach garbage or thrash or just pure nonsense. Till then..cheers and Merry X-Mas people. Have a good one for me.


Anonymous said...

dunno what actually happened, but sounds like you did something bad... eh, things happen :P

Anton said...

Why must it be me who do something wrong? it that obvious? Nah..just having things to think about during the oh so quiet time.