Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It means black in English. The title of the day. Pandai tak saya? Boleh la sikit sikit memandangkan nak mengembangkan sayap (tapi buat masa sekarang..rasa rasanya perut semakin berkembang...dam it) ke negara matahri terbit dalam masa 2-3 tahun ni, maka elok lah kiranya belajor sikit sikit bahasa kebangsaan orang Jepun (tak sia sia cek tengok anime...kan ada faedahnya tu).

TV skrin leper (Flat screen TV?) yang dah kat sebulan booking akhirnya sampai jua. Hari tu hari yang tak berapa ceria pasal kena heret dek orang rumah pi birthday party anak buah member dia. Memang malas nak keluar pasal nak tunggu TV sebenarnya eheheh tapi bila ada unsur unsur paksaan kena ikut jugak...protes bermula. Cuba la jugak nak tukar mood lepas makan percuma...sambil santai santai tengok orang pastu ada mamat ni, rasa macam kenal jer bersalaman dengan orang orang kat luar, termasuk lah teman ni. Rupa rupanya si pelakon lelaki Malaya, Rosyham Noor. Macam drama la pulak tetiba dia datang salam...saya artis ke dia yang artis? Rasa macam YB jumpa orang orang kampung pun ada.

Sehari sebelum tu, sempat la pi Taman Tasik Titiwangsa (bukan cuci mata ye, cuci mata kat toilet) pasal ada telematch HOT FM AM Crew Vs Jam. Kata start jam 8 pagi...punya la pulun pi awal awal...tapi start kat pukul 9 la jugak. Sempat la tengok DJ DJ Hot FM yang selalunya berceloteh dalam keta secara hidup. Upin dan Ipin pun ada...betu betul betul!

Balik pada cerita tadi, orang umah pun mengomel la pasal tabiat buruk teman yang rasa rasa agak susah nak diubah secara rasional (i am built like this - kata kata pujangga dari filem Jerry MacGuire). Dua dua orang senyap jer sepanjang jalan balik dari KLCC pas amik suar tempah dia. Nasib baik tak merendek lama lama kat sana kalu tak, tak merasa tengok TV besar. MMg besar pun...42 inch...penuh meja kecik buat tempat letak TV tu...sampai kena curi curi ruang nak letak kotak itam den yang lagi satu...PS3 ler.

Dalam tempoh tu, sempat la berbaik baik dengan orang lah dah dapat TV baru kekekekek. Lawak jer lah, bukan pasal materialistik cuma memang kita orang ada masa senyap sedikit sekiranya ada isu isu berbangkit yang tak berapa sebulu tapi secara amnya, kita pun amik masa nak melihat apa yang berlaku sampai ada isu isu berbangkit sebelum terjun dan wachaa orang sesuka hati.

Komplikasi jugak nak cucuk input dan suaikan gambar dari player ke TV, siap bukak manual kiri kanan. Daripada jahanam, lebih baik amik sedikit masa, baca pelan pelan dan paham sebelum buat sesuatu. Ada benda tak payah pakai manual, ada benda kena kekekek...jangan pikir yang bukan bukan pulak. Akhirnya berjaya jugak...terbeliak main Soul Caliber 4...tersangatlah cantiknya gambar itu. Tengok Daniel Craig kuar dari laut pakai swimming trunk dalam Casino Royale pakai Blue Ray disc sampai mulut terjatuh ke lantai (over sangat kah?)

Nanti entry skali lagi cek masukkan gambornya ek......TV bukan Daniel Craig.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tak Tau

Tak tau nak tulih apa kali ni. Semuanya macam tak dak cerita cerita sensasi yang panas. Takkan nak promo diri sendiri kut. Lucah sungguh.

Hm......sekurang-kurangnya dapat balik kampung minggu lepas (terima kasih Thaipusam, walaupun kena sangkut jem masa balik kampung dan dari kampung kat Batu Caves...cuma tak sempat nak kutip buah nyoq saja eheheheh). Balik berdua, ada urusan kerajaan skit plus memang saja nak balik. Wah! kira rekod la jugak pasal dah kira setiap bulan balik kampung (penat la jugak buat rentas desa dari kawasan tengah ke kawasan utara...nasib baik tak jalan kaki, kalu tak memang tido kat lebuhraya la jawapnya)

Sempat la bawak balik Laser Disc second hand masa travel gi Jepung dulu. Simpan kat Selangor pun bukan leh main pun. Kurang la skit barang kat umah di Selangor. Kenapa terkejut ka saya cakap umah kat Selangor bukan kat KL? Dah kawasan sempadan, bukan sempadan Thailand la.Nampak macam jauh tapi memang jauh kalu travel naik keta waktu keja. Cuba try test masa cuti...laju saja boleh sampai komplen la nih. Tapi tak apa simpan dulu, tunggu bagi ada banyak tajuk skit senang nak olah karangan.

Bulan Februari dah mula jadi sibuk dan buat2 sibuk, asyik kuar setiap minggu (Alhamdulillah...dapat la duit buat cover bayor benda-benda canggih yang beli dengan hanya turun tandatangan saja dan bayar kemudian..nak terkejut beruk jugak dapat penyata bulan nih eheheheeh...I dun care, it's my money and I want to spend like crazy!) Tak de lah....ada la jugak simpan skit2 buat nak travel cuti-cuti skit dengan orang umah. Insyallah murah rezeki pi jauh, mahal rezeki pi KLCC pun Alhamdulillah.

Hm...nak buat sibuk2 skit, tengok email yang nak penuh dalam inbox...malasnya.......

P/s: Sempat lagi pi karaokeing kat 1 Utama dari jam 12.30 sampai la jam 3 pagi walhal pagi dah nak drive balik kampung. Nasib baik balik umah, kalu jadi penghuni bilik karaoke camno? Tak pa kut pasai bukan slalu plus orang umah bagi hint nak karaoke by hook or by crook...follow aja bah.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Indulgence

I was triger-happy last month and also it was my laziest month. I had almost two weeks of days off (thank you God for CNY)and it drags until today. Lucky I was out from the office, otherwise I would be sticking to the cubicle like a sloth hanging to a tree. Yes...I was about that lazy.

It's a wet morning in Sandakan, Sabah. Started out with a drizzle then it went cats and dogs sans the light and sound effects.

Back to my title of the day, I finally managed to get my greedy hands on PS3. I usually didn't buy any console until it's about 6 years after its launching event. I buy my psone just months before PS2 was launched, same goes for my PS2..I bought it when I was in Dubai (of all the places in KL to get such console, I buy it somewhere else. Hey it was cheap) then after that...PS3 were launched. Boy at that time it cost about RM3000 for a 60GB unit and I was like a fish looking inside instead of outside. Yeah, and I promise myself, that time it will take me another 6 years to get the unit but hell. I progress and get it within 3 years eheheheh.

It is an amazing unit, and heavy machine. The one I bought comes with two free games...Soul Calibre IV and a toss between Assassin Creed or Ninja Gaiden..Assassin Creed won (hm...i wonder why.....). Its a totally different machine from the previous PS, this one uses wireless controller, nifty software, you can go online via LAN or Wireless plus it has 80GB of memory. How many games can you save? plays Blue-Ray disc...yikes! And...if you own a PSP, it can be synchronised. Awesome. Does that mean I need a PSP afterwards? GASP!

On the not so good side, the software aka games cost an arm to buy one, unless you go for the bargain price...meaning old games la. It's not PS2 game compatible, previous version has compatability but not this one, you get only a single controller with the standard package and the next one also need you to cut another arm (how the hell am I going to play the game without any arm?). Was thinking of using the PS2 joypad but doest have any, cept for the port to transfer memory to the memory card for the later version of PS.

And I have yet to explore the full potential of my unit, give me a wee bit of time and I'll get back with a verdict. Can't wait to pair this with my Plasma TV soon...yummy.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tag : Complete The Sentences

Here we go with another one...

1. Answer the questions below and put the link of the person who tagged you <--, done...

2. Tag 5 people and let them know by leaving a message in their blog <-- hmm, who do I tag... aka whitelighter


My idea of going on a date would be...
The worst punishment my parents gave me was... because I...
My most extravagant splurge in the last six months is...
If I can have a super-ability, I'd want to have...
KL is...
My influences in life are...
I have climbed the highest mountain on earth and found the wisest man in the entire galaxy. And I can ask him only one question. I am going to ask him...
My wishes for 2009 would be that...
Lastly, I'd like to be remembered by...


My idea of going on a date would be (either one will do) having a good meal and a smashing conversation or going somewhere where the view is great and having a smashing conversation and enjoy some quiet moments afterwards.

The worst punishment my parents gave me was being chased by mom with a belt because I took some of my money (which my mom was trying to save)and told her that I found the money under some rubble(i know...i'm such a lousy liar)

My most extravagant splurge in the last six months is/are a new bedset, a new handphone hmmmmm...make that 2, a PS3. I dun wanna talk about this month....scary how I can go crazy when I let loose.

If I can have a super-ability, I'd want to have this will have to be a toss between having a great agility and kinetic charged of innate object with a wee bit of sweet talking (Gambit) or subzero control of temperature up to molecular level (Iceman).

KL is the least expected city I wanna live in but end up here. Nuff said.

My influences in life are my family, my friends, the people I meet along the way, my Boo, the people who write stuff I read.

I have climbed the highest mountain on earth and found the wisest man in the entire galaxy. And I can ask him only one question. I am going to ask him hm.........I can't seem to find the right question to ask...damn it! Waste my time climbing the mountain for nought.

My wishes for 2009 would be that I don't want to take things for granted, I don't want people taking me for granted. I don't want to be the one who left behind. I wanted to buy a does this sound like a Christmas list already...:p

Lastly, I'd like to be remembered by those who thinks that somehow someway that my presence in their life makes a different and put a smile on their face. Happy thoughts rock!