Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shanghai Blues all over again

The whole week I spend my time attending 2 courses for the sake of building my compentency and polishing my working skills. I do not like travelling abroad during the winter-ish season. Why?

1. I have to pack lotsa heavy clothing items and it cramped my ability to move and be mobile as much as possible. Thus it prohibits my adhoc policy a lot.

2. It's frickin' cold and I do not operate in my optimal state if the air tempearture is below 15 degree Celcius.

3. I tend to be lazy

4. I tend to visit the toilet quite frequently than usual

5. Have to prepare a lot, applying body lotion and stuff to avoid dehydration and chaffed lips.

6. My usual ritual of bathing 3 times a day is disrupted. If u bathe more than u lose moisture more and the my skin tends to get itchy and that is the worst part. Learned my lesson the hard way when I visit Hamburg, Germany in 1999 and bath as usual like I did back home. Bad mistake and I paid it dearly by bad rashes when I got back home....that sucks the most.

7. I'm away from the usual crown dan usual is both good and bad experience. Makes you appreciate them more and sends a tingling and warm feeling knowing that you are coming back to them...not forgetting the special someone..always.

8. The second worst part is finding the right place to eat. This is by far the detterent which prevents me from being a Gung-ho in travellocity mode. You just can't great halal food on every corner. But it's great on the other hand as it helps me to diet a bit though I'm quite sure that my weight is basically the same as it was on Monday when I landed then today, my departure day.

9. It makes my sleeping pattern all haywire. I sleep less at night than I do during the day. It sucks.

Can't think of anything else though cept that I had to take a step back from visiting the tall and tallest building in Shanghai due to unmobility...damn it. Next time maybe. So with that I'm ending my transmission for the day...Happy weekends

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What the......?

I was supposed to be having a makan kenduri session...make that two makan kenduri session today but end up here in Miri covering some work. More of a work actually, finishing a friend's job. See? I'm actually not a bad person. A bad person would never do stuff for other people except making misery. Carried over a bit usual.

My day was supposed to be go to Sandakan, finish job then come back home. Spend lazy weekend with Boo and that's it. Now my weekend just bust like a bubble and I'm seriuosly deprived of sleep.

As things couldn't be better, I had to woke up early on Friday to catch Airasia flight...huarghhhhhh and the darnest thing ever happened. This is almost the most embarrassing moment ever happened in life..for most people...guys especially. Went thru the security check, tiny alarms came off as usuall and the guard there will come and frisked you, end of story. But not for me...I was given a little hint.."Encik, zip seluar tak tarik habis" from the security officer. Lucky I did not automatically grab my crotch to cover the open fly, took my bag, walk a few steps...then I zipped my self....or maybe I was still in limbo to ever make haste of securing it. Nasib baik pakai underwear...kalau tak, malu ooooo. Terus sumpah tak nak pijak kaki kat LCCT lagi.

Yesterday was not that bad too....while walking around in Miri, my old shoes failed me. Not one but both! The stiches came out midway and I'm now wearing a very comfortable shoes with secret ventilation passage. Walked around to find a replacement shoes proved fruitless as there is nothing that I fancy to replace my airy shoes. Was hooked on the white leather converse low cut sneakers but no size..damn it. Found also another one at a different store but stil no size. An yes I'm travelleing today, on business class with my airy shoes. Hope they never smell sumthing funny during the flight though.

Ok then..I guess I'm donre for this week. See ya tomorrow with some more news and updates in the world around me. If you want the whorld news..go surf the news channel.


Kena Tagged Lagi.....part Deux

Memandangkan kawan-kawan sangat prihatin la ni maka dengan prihatinnya jugak teman jawap (nasib baik soalan pendek tapi tak logik pun ada, but who cares). So read on....

1. Open this website :

2. Take the Personality Quiz

3. Copy Paste the result to your blog.

4. Tag your friends including me :)

Dan keputusannya (intro muzik suspen skit...jeng jeng jeng!)

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with? Dah ada dahhhhhhhhhhh

Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

Sapa ya saya mau tagged...semestinya org biasa yg kat Doha tu... whitelighter

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Memento Mori

Dah bulan March ni dan besok dah besday aku. Ingat nak cuti jadi pemalas tapi tak kesampaian pasal kena outstation. Hm......nasib badan.

Lagi satu berita baharu yang agak memeranjat "beruk"kan termasuk diri sendiri....jeng jeng jeng....berat badan dah melebihi tahap tepu. Macam mana tau? Tadi pas cek in hotel kat Bintulu, ada penimbang, dan dengan suka hatinya nak tengok la perkembangan...memang dah kembang pun sekarang. Hampeh sungguh.

I need to lie down and be lazy for a while....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

P/s: Kidou Senshi Gundam Season Two pun dah sampai penghujungnya. Cerita Gundam yang senang nak paham dan tak melalut sangat walaupun masa Season One, Gundam dia tak berapa menarik. Sekarang dah pakai Twin Drive plus O riser nampak best la pulak. Kena masuk budjet nak beli model Gundam. Habis lagi duit...tisk tisk tisk

Monday, March 2, 2009

Random Access Memory

Minggu ni tersangkut lagi kau luar.....boleh dapat anugerah pekerja banyak kutip point enrich la aku tahun ni. Silap silap jadi maskot opis ke Sabah Sarawak. Macam tak dak orang lain yang nak pi (walhal hakikat memang tak ada orang pun, semua kena kuar jadi kerahan tenaga). Penat penat

Last Friday sempat la rewang rewang kat Endah Parade pi tengok game baru untuk PS3....jeng jeng jeng (memang dok usha Pendekar Jalanan ke-4 pun). Baru saja dilancarkan di US, tapi dah lama kuar kat saja RM 190. Mahal ek? Tapi kalau nak box set ( Ada DVD citer Pendekar Jalanan 4, ada the making of, wall paper, plus 2 miniture Ryu and Viper action figurine....dengan harga RM 380. Uhuk uhuk uhuk...mau muntah darah)

Tengah buat mental metamatik berkira kira mana lebih untung. Metal gear Solid 4, edisi dua disc pun lebih kurang harga yang sama....muntah darah lagi. Tu belum citer masa yang diperlukan untuk habiskan game tu...Citer panjang giler. Last last den amik Devil May Cry 4 sama Ninja Gaiden Sigma...2 game RM 300. Mahal tapi apa boleh buat.....ciplak aka blue ray game lanun masih belum kuar....Ikat perut betul la tahun ni.

Try la jugak tanya Resident Evil 5 bila kuar, ada la kut dlm tgh bulan ni kut, kalau tak salah dengar la..yang bestnya boleh main 2 orang. Kalau dulu main sorsng sorang jo..sakit jantung terkejut pun sorang sorang...tapi kali ni boleh berdua...mesra alam la skit ala ala hidup mati bersama. Yang Resident evil 4 pun tak habis main lagi ada hati nak main yg no.5....yeah...right.

Apa lagi ek...aaaa, ada member datang singgah umah kejap. Kejap tak kejap mau kat 3-4 hari la jugak jadi nomad kat umah. Sempat la jugak ajak gi karaoke kat Jusco AU2...bilik yang boleh telus suara sampai jiran kat sebelah boleh join skali. But who cares kan? Ingat nak celebrate dgn orang rumah pasal peringatan hari yang bersejarah tapi sebab ada member skali., so kena la postponed ke minggu yg seterusnya. Sebenarnya gi karaoke pun nak pujuk orang rumah ler, eheheheh....sapa tak sayang laki oiiiiii. He said I spend too much time with the game....apa tanya nya, nak upgrade Nero ke tahap Setan Maksima kena la berdedikasi dan bunuh sebanyak mana setan setan berleluasa. Kalau dah berdedikasi sampai macam tu, memang la terperap jo dalam bilik. Bila dah kena sound tu maka secara rasminya, game tu tak akan disentuh selama sesuatu jangka masa yang agak panjang.

On the almost good news side, the dream of owning a house and be an ordinary citizen paying their mortage is almost in the making. Waiting for the bank to reply wheather I get the loan or not, then signing the S&P, pay the downpayment, get the EPF and such. This is really taking a toll as I almost non existance in the office and KL within this month..except during weekend la kut. If lucky, if not so lucky, then hell....

Itu saja kut kali ni, nak sambung tengok Afro Samurai Resurrection pastu tido, walhal janji nak tido awal kekekeke...again yeah...right...

Adios amigos....Gud day!