Sunday, February 24, 2008

Family Value

My Saturday night was great. I got to spend it with all my sibling for dinner cum birthday for my niece cum wedding anniversary of my eldest sister. I was the last to arrive, I was the single one since everybody was with their full fledglings or spouse incase of my youngest sister. Yup, she got hooked earlier than his brother.

I don't mind being the single one since I can always be their favourite uncle. Hm....saying uncle does make me looked old, LOL. Who the hell am i kidding..I'm way past the calander and yet here I am the single one. (in terms of normally marriage people). What to do, there's always bound to be the different one in the whole bunch of fruits. Human non exceptance.

Back to the family thingy, I was not expecting my brother to be present as well and i was sceptical at first and was thinking on my way this the right thing to do, is this wise and all the bulls**t. But once there at my sister's house and saw that everybody was there....I feel glad that I make this choice. Was afraid that my brother will scold me for being missing this past 6 years, but he was not. Apparently he has grown a bit wider and instead of the usual handshake, we exchange hugs. Which was a new thing for me with all the huggings in the family. Hell..I never hug my brother since I got to know I have a brother. Call me wierd but how many things can a 4 year old boy know back then when there was no Gameboy, PSP or mobile phone.

It's a funny feeling being in the presence of family, mother and father not including. It was a great joy, a sense of being belong. I don't know if thing will be the same as today if I never left home back then. Will I get the same welcoming warmth as I have received yesterday. Too many ifs and to many whats does not make the world stop spinning. What matter is that I took a chance and make my own path and looking back, I wish I could change some of it but by changing that past, that little thing in my life...will I still be here at this time doing the things that I'm doing right now and having these feeling?

Being here today...I wouldn't change any of it because I know that I have done my best and i never give up hope for a better future for me, for my loved one, my friends and you people out there. You know who you are.

Enjoy the weekend while it last..see ya fellas.

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